Sustainable Academy

Expand your sustainability knowledge and avoid GREENWASHING in Fashion

Who is the Academy for?

University & Students

  • The most active members of the community

  • The ones who can learn the most

  • The future  generation and business lead.

  • A discount of 25% is applied to students

New Small Entrepreneurs

  • They may have fewer resources

  • But their good will, inspiration, and youthful energy make them some of the most interested and motivated members of the business community


  • Train new employees

  • Continuous updateds on new legislations and materials

  • Establish sustainable standards in a non-competitive environment

Join the Community!

What will you get?

You are part of a dedicated community

Look for answers to your issues and doubts by asking advice to the experts that are part of the community. It's a take and give, you will also help others

Daily focused content

All the people in the community will continuously post relevant articles, specific for fashion and sustainability, to keep up to date with the latest developments and regulations

Monthly live sessions

Every month me and other experts from the fashion industry will explain a specific topic in an interactive session followed by a Q&A. The program is partly defined and partly decided with the community

About me

Nicolo' Giusti

After more than 15 years in the fashion corporations, my passion for sustainability comes up stronger than ever.

Tired of seeing daily greenwash practices, in 2020 I lunched together with my friend Niccolo Duranti, SUSTAINABLE TALKS WITH N&N.

In 2021 we were invited to moderate the 7 digital "Sustainability Talks" organised by Lineapelle.

In 2021-2023 collaborated with schools as Polimoda, Universiteit Van Amsterdam, EIIS (European Institute of Innovation & Sustainability) and LUISS Business School Amsterdam.

Finally it's time for me to go out of my comfort zone and follow my dreams

Sustainable Talks with N&N

What can you expect?


To have an idea of the level of the guests look into SUSTAINABLE TALKS WITH N&N guests

Upcoming Events

15-07-24 (5:00pm) Circular Textile with Mattia Trovato (Manteco)

What means circular

Which are the best practices


22-07-24 (5:00pm) Find Sustainable Materials with Selene Micheletti - DAMO

Why we need that

What can we find in DAMO


29-07-24 (5:00pm) - Diletta Pollice - Stories from the Academy

Ask me anything

The Subscription are now open - don't miss it!

Join the journey now

First week 



It's not about quantity but quality. Every member of the academy is carefully selected to make sure everyone is really passionate


Shape the academy together with me and the community following your needs


If you do not like it anymore you can unsubscribe any time


If you are a student on high school, university or a master you get 25% of discount! 

Write me for the voucher

The Community

Find solutions


A place of passionate people and companies that focus on sustainability and are willing to share challenges and solutions

Weekly Touchbase


Every week we will post articles about Circularity, Regenerative practices and the latest innovations

Find your opportunity


Looking for a passionate person to join your company? 

Looking for opportunities?

This is the place where you can show your value and find your hero


What people say

The Sustainable Academy allows for the creation of new meaningful connections and for deep-diving and engaging with the community touching upon complex subjects and notions related to truly responsible and effectively sustainable developments, with a particular focus placed on the realm of materials (and their related origin, production/growth process, end of life, etc) as related to positively impacting the Fashion Industry at first, and many others too. Furthermore, promising collaborative opportunities swiftly emerge from the one-to-one relations with the committed members of the community.

Maurizio Montalti

Director, Founder - Officina Corpuscoli

Chief Mycelium Officer, Chairman, Co-Founder - SQIM / EPHEA / MOGU

The Sustainable Academy has been a great resource for me over the past few months, developing my knowledge in different fields.

I truly felt how the members and guests are passionate about both fashion, responsible production, and sustainability.

Through the Academy, I have gained a deeper understanding of responsible practices within the industry, learned also some practical skills, and discovered innovative solutions to address environmental challenges.

As a young professional who has recently graduated, The Academy has truly empowered me to be more informed and conscious in my professional life and develop my career path. 

Jana Saldova

Fashion Designer and Product Manager

The people are the most interesting part of this community: people who have in-depth and specific skills, people who work in sustainability every day and people who are willing to share their knowledge and their experience. 

Serena Santolamazza

Marketing Project Manager, product and communication

The Sustainable Academy has been instrumental in helping me connect with like-minded individuals interested in sustainability. It has also provided me with a wealth of knowledge about different materials and insights from experts regarding new sustainability initiatives.

Diletta Pollice

Founder & CEO at APPCYCLED


Alexandra Pelka

Sustainability as a mission, reporting with a vision

With more than 10 years of client-facing experience and five years of area management expertise, I have founded AP Projects, a consultancy with a vision and mission for a sustainable tomorrow.

Massimo Brandellero

Founder at The ID Factory

Entrepreneur coming from the leather industry that created one of the most advanced worldwide leather platform for Material and Product traceability in Fashion

Maurizio Montalti

Director, Founder - Officina Corpuscoli

Chief Mycelium Officer, Chairman, Co-Founder - SQIM / EPHEA / MOGU

Designer, researcher, educator and entrepreneur. Working at the junction of design and biotech, he is one of the early pioneers committed to the study and development of wide-ranging mycelium-based technologies and products.

Join the Community